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The story of Isaac and Jacob

K - Bible Story 54

The core values of the second and third generations of a prestigious family of faith are the practice of prayer and self-denial. Isaac was a man of prayer; he broke through every obstacle with prayer. The second generation was not taught idolatry - Abraham worshiped idols until he was 75 years old - but Isaac didn't even look at the customs of the world. He was raised by godly parents from a yo..
The core values of the second and third generations of a prestigious family of faith are the practice of prayer and self-denial.
Isaac was a man of prayer; he broke through every obstacle with prayer.
The second generation was not taught idolatry - Abraham worshiped idols until he was 75 years old - but Isaac didn't even look at the customs of the world.
He was raised by godly parents from a young age.
Although he was taught godliness, it was not easy to make it through the world by faith alone. Isaac waited patiently, praying and waiting for God's help.
Jacob, too, was brought up by godly parents; but he was a man who was carried away by his own ambition. He tried to deceive his brother, deceive his father, and take possession of the blessing. He suffered much for this, until he realized his most miserable selfishness and gave in to it by the river Jabbok.
Pastor Ha kon Chung
Graduated from Yonsei University
Former Senior Pastor of Love Church
Currently a co-pastor at Cheonan's Quamsan Mountain Prayer Center
During his pastorate, he started writing a story Bible to read for his son.
It was broadcast on a CBS for three years under the title "Bible Read by Meaning".
Now, preparing English translation, Chinese translation, Japanese translation, etc. and striving to make it a Bible story written by Koreans and read by the world.

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